Yo yo yo! In Spanish that's Me me me! So I guess that's what it's been all about for the past 2 months while I've totally ignored my throngs of fans who await my musings of literal genius...ok, so I have 4 fans. Maybe 3. The point is, I have not been purposely ignoring you dudes, nor my ability to keep this entertaining - I've sort of just been gypsy'ing around.

In the past 2 months I've gone from Brooklyn, Ny - Aspen, Colorado, BACK to Brooklyn, across the bridge to Manhattan (that counts) on a plane to San Diego, Ca, from SD - LA, LAX - Lima, Peru. Since then a whole bunch of little beaches and cute little neighborhoods - only I didn't bring my wagon with me - people get the wrong idea here. I mean, in NY it's totally "style" to wear a shirt with rips everywhere and never wash your jeans. Here people are like "were you attacked by a dog? were you trampled by a wild mob?"

Someone said to me the other day "You are no Gypsy girl" (and everyone here pronounces it wrong - they say g like girl instead of g like Jeans...)and I'm like, what do you mean I'm not a Gypsy? because I don't look like this?

Yeah, maybe, but wait until you see my room. It looks like this:

SO, though I may look like like THIS:

my thoughts, which you can't see,probably look like THIS:

It doesn't mean I'm not THIS:

which I sort of totally almost always forever am,(!) since GYPSY is a state of mind and a way of being more than a look..A gypsy is a mystic, a traveller, a musician, someone who uses their ingenuity and charm to find a way and get out of a bind, someone who understands the powers of the universe, and is misunderstood by the mainstream, mechanical, materialistic soceity. A Gypsy always has a story, a crystal, a vision, and is ready for adventure - for a gypsy, linear time is fictional, something to be played with.

Ok, but enough "floro" "comi un loro". The truth is I got the tattoo on a whim, and just wanted something with a G, and my little sister Katie, talked me OUT of Giver' (thank GOD).

She called me and was like "Gypsy - get GYPSY- it's so Fleetwood Mac, it's so you.." Not much more needed to be said "It's so fleetwood mac, it's so you"..My boyfriend at the time, who was with me, thought I was NUTS! (and he's got tattoos, and is pretty spontaneous) anyway, after he and I broke up and I'd moved away, months down the line, he called me and said "you know Sari, I thought you were nuts at the time, but the more I think about it, the more time passes - I realised it really suits you Sari, and you're not so crazy afterall."