Friday, October 30, 2009

Dee Lite

A clue. An idea. What's a flower, before it's a flower? What does it look like, what does it do? Let me ask you this. What's your faaaaaaaavorite thing, ever, in the whole world? Better than ice cream, better than a sweet cool breeze through the window on the hottest of hot days? Better than beef jerky, better than finding a $50 in an old pair of jeans? Ok, ok, ok, better than... Let me shy away from being cryptic here. And now, a POEM:

breezes salty graze my cheek
silent rushes touch my skin
then someone kicks up the dust
I sneeze.

i bought a bunch of flowers
they were painted so they turned
the water blue
in the city they sell painted flowers
they turn the water

hopped on my bike
crossed the bridge
let my hair get wet in the rain
locked my bike
went in to dry off
the rain kept raining
tom waitsing the concrete

this was me
i was by myself
having an inner dialogue
i smiled

i said please and thank you

i hopped back on my bike

back across the bridge

a messenger propelled
by silent power
exhilerated finally
making it home

always zipping like a pixel of light


katie said...

(said in Sean's voice)

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight on

Unknown said...

hahaha, yyyyyeeeah Seany Fever!!!

word verf.

which is kind of like


swinnies for LIFE!