I realise that it has been an insanely long time since I've updated. I keep getting older and high school girls stay the same age. - L-I-V-I-N man. Went to CANADA and had a blast with the friends and family - one of the major highlights being Katie's surprise show up fly in from Vancouver.
Wow. we bonded like it was 2003. We were joined at the fingertippy top from start to finish and I can't begin to tell you what a gift this was - I am elated, grateful, stoked and honored. and still a little hungover.( Kid, kid.)
We had some major laughs and were on the same page. Katie drove Mom's honda around and we practically lived in that car.
Willaru was visiting from PERU, giving teachings and essentially just amping up the energy all around in an amazing way.
My previous language student, Aya, from Japan, who also happens to be clairvoyant and can see my guides and angels rolled into town for two days and linked up with us all the put the icing on the cake. She shared tremendous insight about each of us and assisted in the shift and healing that took place between Katie and I. Talk about DIVINE TIMING.
I had some sweet bonding time with Drew as well who I haven't bro'd down with in about a year. The whole trip was a gift of love and light refreshing and motivating me to take the next steps and let the world know that it's ON! I came back to the city and had this nice package waiting for me in the wings.
Sweet! Found a great new roomate just in the nick of time too - 5 day crunch time styles. Ran into a good friend I haven't seen and made some serious peace to add wind to the flight.
Let it go and let it flow is what the masters would say and that's what I've been doing, watching it all work out in beautiful ways better than perhaps I had imagined. Had a wierd crazy guy send me some hate mail because I didn't choose him for the apartment, and I will go so far as to say that even that is part of the gift - an opportunity to send love to a lost soul while realising how blessed and protected I truly am.
Just chilling out, keeping it nice and mellow and watching love come my way in an unexpected way. Cool! Ok, that's enough mush for us all to marinate in for one day - I promise my next post will be a hilarious story that I've been bustling to tell you - and you wont grow a FATHER TIME BEARD by the time I post it. It will be pronto yo! Wiracocha Players.
Sweet to hear from you again. Sounds like life is good. Thanks for the metal monkey care.
Aunt Debbi.
anytime Aunt Deb! that good hey Katie?
Dude I thought that was PJ until just now. Have you seen the resemblance???
WHO was PJ??
you thought WHO was pj?
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